No good deed goes...

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 87010

"Nay, maid, it is a knight's duty to aid the needy. I require no reward," said Fred. "You may find your way home by following yon passage. You should find it clear of dangers."

Diana curtsied again. "I am indeed in your debt. Here" she said, drawing a pendant from under her dress, "this was given to me by my father. He said it would protect me from harm in times of darkness. It has carried me safe through this ordeal, and brought you to be my saviour. You will have more need of it than I."

Fred waved the gift away, "I cannot take your heirloom for a crust of bread. Keep it lady and let it see you safely home."

"I have no fear from this point home. Please take it, if not as a gift, then as a loan. You may return it to me when you get back." And with that, she leaned forward and hung the pendant around Fred's neck. Before he could object further, she gave him a quick peck on the cheek and started off up the passage.

Fred started to say something, but then thought better of it. He watched Diana go with a cheery wave up the dim passage toward the speck of light that was the tunnel entrance.

  1. Inspect the pendant.
  2. Head for the chest.
  3. Follow Diana.
  4. Look for another way out of the chamber.

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