Hoppy, not Happy

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 86996

Before he was aware of what was happening, Fred found himself inside something huge, dark, and warm. Panicked, he immediately struggled to free himself, and flopped out of a pile of clothes onto the floor. He was a toad.

Zenobia, now towering above him, smiled sweetly down and said, "You may now stand corrected. Or squat, I suppose."

Fred tried to say something, he wasn't quite sure what, but all that came out was a croak. Had he lost his powers of speech as well? Curse that witch! At least Diana was still standing there in human form, albeit with a terrified expression.

Of course, nothing lasts. "And you," the witch said, turning to her doppelganger and tapping her chin contemplatively. "What to do with you?"

Puffing out with rage, Fred hopped angrily towards Zenobia, intending to try to do some damage, or at least make her feel uncomfortable.

  1. Zenobia scooped Fred up in her hands and tossed him over the balcony rail.
  2. Zenobia turned Fred into a shoe.
  3. Zenobia stepped out of the way.

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