That is What Companions are For! (Confusing things?)

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 8649

"Yes, actually I do have two," Inquirer, the female AI/golem puts in (drawing a few glances of surprise from several of the people). "You said something that I don't quiet understand. Something that involves a lack of....well...knowledge that several fans of Dr. Who would perhaps have! What did you mean when you, Agent 1, said: 'If you enter in a signal you'll find that it will generate a signal that will pretty much null and void the need for those radio telescopes use. It will just....stabilize the universe into a somewhat static state....neither decaying nor growing.....kind of what is being done now.'

"Now, one question I think that either you or the Doctor will be able to explain to this poor AI girl is.....just how can you stabilize one universe with a radio telescope that is in this universe? The Earths that those telescopes are on are now in the Terra Prime universe. So how can the Doctor using those telescopes do anything to stabilize their "old" universes now they are no longer within them?"

"It has to do with something similar to a theory proposed by an old chap I knew by the name of J.S. Bell....." the Doctor begins to explain. "He...."

"Hey! I know this theory!" Stacy interrupts, excited. "I saw it explained in a cartoon called Dilbert! See, Bell broke a molecule and was able to change the spin of one electron. The funny thing was that the spin of the other electrons, as it said in the cartoon, will immediately change, also. That happens wherever they are!"

"Okay, that's the basis of most civilian telecommunication back Home," Inquirer nods, looking enlightened. "Broke the back of many fiber optic companies, I remember reading in my history books."

Stacy looks at Inquirer funny.

"Well, the punch-line of the joke was that Dilbert would have gotten a horse head in his bed for it by the fiber optic company....seems there was an actual bit of reality for that,perhap." Stacy says in a subdued voice. "Creepy."

"Uh, we also have a similar theory in magic with psionic residue from murder weapons," Malachi Dronocis (presently in human form) put in, fascinated by this.

The Doctor, who had been looking annoyed at being interrupted, blinks and suddenly turns to the Regent. A question on his face.

"We gave you a basic crash course Dr. Who," the dragoness says softly, "A full series of lessons would have taken too long....even in cyber-space using a similar method that gave Inquirer her original spell knowledge and ability (re: 3145). While the modified version we used isn't as....harmful as what she unleashed upon the evil ghostly Dr. still hurts VERY much....and does cause some....problems. With my and my Consorts connection to Ethiopia, we recovered quickly enough. But we only did as much as we did for the sake of Trilling. We love teaching others eager to learn the Arte....but we'd do it the old fashion way."

"I see," the Doctor nods, amazed at how well his teachers had hidden their pain. He could tell well enough that the Regent and Consort were telling the truth in this manner, and....was impressed enough to quiet in ire at not getting a "full course." "So, at what level am I far as magery goes?"

"You and Inquirer are equals at approximately what a mage would know at fifteen years of practicing the Arte," Sigin Dronocis says. "All in all, not bad for a sliver of the time spent on it all, I say."

The Doctor turns back to the others.

"Basically, the VLA telescopes on the Earths in Terra Prime will be able to rectify the damage the Master....the one that came with me....due to a similar property that is slowly fading even as we speak....but we have time yet...especially with this TARDIS," he says. "But I haven't the foggiest just when he had the time to do it...considering all he went through."

"He ran into a problem with the initial, small scale experiments he ran on his TARDIS," Rule 1 put in helpfully. "Due to the property of the space-time ripple that nearly destroyed him, he, in a panic, used a theorem proposed by a Logopolian scientist, Tularian clan, not well regarded by many of his peers (re: 8570, 8525, and 8488). The heat shimmer that hit her tore her out of her universe, and it damaged her Matrix.... needing the alterations that Agent 4 did to save her by transforming her into an elf (what she wanted anyway) and it also.....well there are no words even in YOUR language - Doctor - for what exactly happened. The parallel Earths that were ripped from their universe followed her to Agent 4's place along with her. Eventually, the Agent (and many more who found similar problems..... let me tell you!) sent those worlds who followed the elfin Melissa to Terra Prime. The other Agents sent their Earths to parallel universes similar to Terra Prime."

The Doctor blinks, and just decides that he's going to have a headache..... later.

Several of the others, like Betty, look like they already have one.

"So that's what happened to me," the elfin Melissa smiled. "And all this and I'm an elf forever more?"

"Yes," both Rule and Agent smile back. Sometimes small things like this were rewarding in their own small way.

"I....have one question," the Doctor suddenly asks, blinking. "Actually, I have several that just occurred to me. Pardon."

"Go ahead, shoot," the Agent smiled.

"You said that I' effectively living forever," the Time Lord begins. "What about my Regenerations? What happens when I get to my last? My one if I remember what the Empress Diane Walker correctly."

"Ah, that," Rule 1 says, "you won't have any more Regenerations to speak of....from now on. You will be as you are, growing no older and recovering from all injuries....eventually. Reforming even upon after disintegration. Problem?"

The Doctor looks....nonplused for a moment....and worried. He looks like he'd protest, then remembers that....horrid costume he saw himself wear in one of the books that Walker had shown him concerning his "future" selves. One looked like he'd been walking by a paint factory as it exploded! And some of the things he' on how his other incarnations acted! Made him almost want to spend some "quality time" (as some of the Americans called it) with his second incarnation . . . so bad are some of what he read were (and he could not stand his second incarnation!!)

If this book was any indicator of watch could be....hmmmm. Maybe this not Regenerating business wouldn't be so bad?

"That's....not so bad," he finally comes to say.

Several of the Dr. Who's fans are looking at each other, and then sigh. As fun as some of his future selves were, there were some good things about this arrangement.

"His seventh incarnation didn't trust anyone's judgment but his own, anyway," the redheaded Betty muttered, remembering. "That could get annoying in real life."

"What of.....the fact that the Matrixes of all....." a voice calls out from around the side of the control column of this TARDIS, it was Solomon the Apprentice Mage. He paused to suppress a LARGE yawn.

"I talked with several of my Teacher's affiliate mages," the demifox goes on (still tired from his efforts of Matrix examining, re: 8400). "They were telling me about how......"

"I think I can answer that one," the Rule says as the demifox yawns again. Without even a gesture the Rule gives something to Solomon. A wave of energy courses through the demifox and the apprentice finds himself in his intermediate form, panting happily as if he'd enjoyed a long....restful sleep. "That should help with one problem. As for the question about Matrixes of the Doctor and his companions being different...."

Several heads turn at that.

"The sad fact of the matter is that NONE of you have a universe in common," the Rule sighs. "The Author Scott Chen made life....interesting in the Chinese sense of the word when he tried to have his revenge on the Betties. All of the Betties by the way, for the same goes for those who came along with them."

I never dreamed I'd be facing something like this when I got up that morning to help Stacy! Betty 2 sighs to herself. And if I understand it, Stacy was some type of tool in that bastard Scott's.....that one bastard version of him......that he wiped her memories and set her down in a subway car as a means to get to me and my sister. Huh, sister I'm calling Betty 1 now. At least I'm not at her throat as I would be if the Other outcome had happened when a "doppleganger" meets.

Oh boy, Betty 1 thinks to herself. This has "headache" written all over it. So, the Doctor isn't from my universe. Maybe there might not even be a real Doctor from my universe. Pity. Sad pity, but then again I have this one from another that's fine. Oh! That means that the.....

"Yes, that means the Earths that all the Masters here on Terra Prime (living and departed) had targeted the wrong Earth," the Rule nods. "The angered clients of the various clients would be....a bit ticked at their partner the Master. And since some of those clients were Cybermen for one Master and Daleks for the other, the Author Scott would have just loved to pull them into the same universe....both looking for the Master....and that was all part of an elaborate....complex revenge plot. Glad I and Agent 1 stripped him of his power and put him back, naked and dazed, in Room 1 back at Addventure! Whatta jerk!"

"At least James and Scott on the Voyagers are better than that," Solomon said, referring to the analogs of Scott who'd eventually returned from death to become crewmembers on the Voyagers (and GOOD ones at that).

  1. "The second question involves the Dark Tower," Inquirer asks, looking at Stacy. "What does it play in all this? That's a King series of stories I've yet to read."

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