Meanwhile, back in the Master's TARDIS.....Part 19

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 8256

He had known that there had been a possibility that he may come across Astra 4 in his travel to the sight of the Backlash, but....

He had figured it was a minuscule chance.

But here she was, with her children! Riding a Warg (!) and accompanied by a small following of elves!

"Prince Ke'lan?" sputters the copper haired elf who's mane of hair is bound by a strip of cloth (to keep it out of his eyes).

Ke'lan stiffens and sighs as his name resonates throughout him and all the other elven hearts on Terra.

"Yes....'tis I," the Prince said heavily through his Proxy's mouth. "Though I wonder how you knew that name. I went to great pains to keep the illusion of my continued existence secret. Who....are you? And who are your friends?"

Now every elf out there will be clamoring for me to take the Throne! Ke'lan sighed, thinking what a thankless and ultimately futile task that will be!

"Ah, let me begin by introducing myself and my friends," Elrondir says, silently berating himself for blurting out that name he'd learned from a heart broken Grailing on the nuclear devastated Terra HE, as Seeker, had last visited. "I am Elrondir. The golden haired beauty to my right is my love, B'Elanna. The brown haired gentleman to my left is Gilmuriel. The flame haired elf that looks like her human sister is named E'eysha. The flame haired Amazonian warrior on the Warg is Astra D'Honaire, known as Astra 4 to her friends."

  1. "The friendly warg is named Elf Friend, and as for the children's name....The boys are named Harry, Thomas and Richard; the girls are called Elizabeth, Theresa, Elinor and Melisande."

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