Heavenly Restrooms

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 80002

With all the guests of Heaven free of the need to poop or pee, most of the heavenly restrooms have fallen into disrepair.

  1. Peter finds a working one.
  2. Go behind a bush.
  3. Go behind a tree.
  4. Go behind that blue telephone box over there.
  5. Ask God for help.
  6. Ask God for help on the LiveJournal Daily Quiz.
  7. Wait, do Saints really need to pee or was it just a memory of his Earthly life?
  8. Ask Pope Jacob the Third for advice.
  9. Great, now he also has to do number 2.
  10. Ask Blastoise for advice.

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Lots42 (Yes, I get ten options out of afterlife pee)

11/18/2008 10:38:36 PM

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