Sudden Replacement

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 78002

"Welcome back to the second half of our groundbreaking interview with Lots42," gushes Barbara Walters. And it does..with one minor difference.

Sitting across from her in the chair is Josh Burbank, who is rather conspicuously wearing a photograph of Lots42, glued to a cardboard backing and secured in place with strings. Other than that, he's naked save for a pair of curly elf slippers. Strangely, Barbara seems oblivious.

"So, what other characters have you created that you find remarkable?" she asks. "I seem to recall one--no, Mister Lots, I don't think I want any cocaine, thank you very much--" Josh shrugs and snorts the remaining four lines from the profered mirror. "I seem to recall another character by the name of P.K. Mergler, who never actually appeared, and yet was somehow pivotal in nearly every major storyline..."

  1. "Oh yeah, him," says Josh. "I've got his head right here."
  2. Every few seconds, he offers her another increasingly bizzare vice.
  3. Weirdness strikes--both of them find themselves mysteriously transported into the middle of nowhere.
  4. Iron Man explodes through the wall.
  5. P.K. Mergler '08!

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