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The Never Ending Quest - Episode 7168

"I have an idea, lass," Simon the Anchorite said, regarding Princess Astra of Aquilaria, "ye see, ye'd never manage to get far enough from the valley before sunset, that's for sure. I think I may just have something that could keep ye, and those around here, safe."

"Go on," Astra said, desperate for a solution, any solution.

"Now, I've got all manner of leather, rope, and wood back at my hut, lass. Though I've no way of kenning how strong ye are when the curse strikes you, I'd wager I've got enough there to restrain you. We tie you down, the curse takes ye, and we wait it out until sunrise. How does that sound?"

"Hmm," Astra mused aloud, "That's a madman's gamble at best, but it may be all we've got. I'm willing to try if you don't mind the risk."

"Now now, lass. Ye watch who ye're calling a lunatic until ye know me better. As for risk, well, the dagger men stopped trying at me a long time ago, and I've faced every manner of beastie about these parts. I can handle myself."

As they took the slow trek to Hermitage Pass, Astra wondered on the old man's past. His cryptic mentions of troubles with the Sicarii were odd at best, and she pondered just what Simon had been prior to taking up his avocation of being a hermit.

The light was dimming as they passed beyond the austere cliff walls that made up Hermitage Pass, and they reached a small but sturdy hut just as the sun began to dip behind the hills. Knowing time was short, Simon quickly went into the hut and hauled out a crude bed made from lashed together branches of trees. It was sturdy and surprisingly well-made. He motioned for Astra to lie on it as he went into the hut again.

She did so, and he returned with several lengths of rope and leather thong. He bound her tightly, and she knew he was doing a good job, for even her well-toned warrior's muscles could not make her bindings budge one inch. Hand to post he bound her and foot to post he bound her, and soon, she was effectively immobilized. She flushed for a moment at her spread-eagled state, but the honesty and earnestness in Simon's eyes told her his intentions were entirely noble.

Before long, the light of the full moon bathed the hill lands, and once again, Astra felt the pleasurable rush of the change pounding in her veins. Try though she may, she enjoyed the experience by now, and began to resent her confinement, straining at her bonds. Her eyes focused on the moon as the old man stood over her outside the hut, and she found herself releasing a raptured gasp.

Her pleasure increased as the tingling sensation of sprouting hair graced her skin. Her ears grew to points, and reddish hairs on her cheeks sprouted and thickened into long silky tufts of fur. She moaned softly, savoring the experience.

Twisted and gnarled and already bearing sharp claws, her hands strained at her bonds, now managing to loosen them. Simon started to move as if to retighten them, but Astra snapped at him, baring her teeth and growling. He reconsidered, and backed away, bracing his feet, and setting his arms akimbo, almost in defiance.

With a howl, the she-wolf broke free, and dove at Simon.

What happened next confused Astra, as she was knocked sprawling, tumbling back.

Standing before her was Simon, unscathed. He had riposted, driving her back. This old man had some battle-skill in him.

Then, another inexplicable thing happened. He spoke, simply and plainly.

"Get back, ye foul beast. God's Cavalier does not fear ye," He said, advancing, taking on a noble and impressive aspect.

Suddenly, the she-wolf's mind was filled with fear. Raw, all-consuming, mind-numbing fear. On reflex alone, she fled, her nerve for battle overwhelmed by holy dread...

  1. Astra flees back into the valley...
  2. Astra flees further into the hill lands...

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