Idle Hands - and Noses

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 7164

Several hours passed, with no signs of Belboz. Sir Fred became bored and began to wander about, looking for some food as he idly exmaned some of the sorcerer's possessions. Mostly, it consisted of books, scrolls, powders and other arcane-looking objects, which Fred regarded warily. Before long, though, a strangely enticing smell began to eminate from a corner of the cave, a pleasantly robust odor, reminding him of a well- spiced slab of beef which had just been cooked. Curious and almost drooling with hunger, Fred went back to examine it.

In the small alcove he found a rack with four vials of liquid on it, all of which seemed to be emitting the tantalizing smell! Fred's first instinct was to gulp one down, but he quickly checked himself. Who knew what effect they might have? On the other hand, maybe this was how Belboz ate - it must be more convenient than building a fire every night!

  1. Greedily, Fred gulped down the brown liquid.
  2. Greedily, Fred gulped down the green liquid.
  3. Greedily, Fred gulped down the purple liquid.
  4. Greedily, Fred gulped down the clear liquid.
  5. Greedily, Fred gulped down the all four liquids!
  6. Warily, Fred backed away from the liquids, his stomach growling.
  7. Just then, Fred heard Belboz's voice - he was back!
  8. Dazed and confused, Fred slumped to the floor and passed out from hunger.

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