Stacy Has An Idea

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 7143

"Sure," said the receptionist. So Stacy pulled out the piece of paper with Betty's number on it [6796] and rang her home. There was no reply, but Stacy then had another idea, and rang her hotel. When the front desk answered, she said: "This is Stacy Jones from Room 4. I'm expecting a Betty Ragan to call by at any minute looking for me. Please could you tell her I've been delayed, and ask her to wait. I should be back at about 5:15. Thank you."

She put down the phone, thanked the receptionist, and set off back to her hotel. When she got there:

  1. She found Betty waiting for her.
  2. The receptionist said Betty hadn't turned up yet.
  3. There was no-one on the front desk. That was worrying.

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