Giving Belboz A Piece of His Mind

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 71176

Fred returned to Belboz posthaste. The old wizard looked up at him with more than a little amazement. "Back so soon? I did not believe you would be able to retrieve the Sceptre so quickly."

Fred frowned at him. "I didn't, you old fool. And why should I, considering that you're only some crazy old nut living in a slimy smelly cave. You lied to me, didn't you?! You have no power! And the fool's errand you sent me on would have probably got me killed!"

Belboz eyed Fred gravely, a dangerous twinkle in his eye. "You've been talking to that blasted imp, haven't you?"

"Aye!" Fred replied. "And the only reason I've come back here is to give you a piece of my mind!"

But before Fred could launch into a vicious verbal attack against the old man, Belboz raised his hand and Fred found himself frozen like a slab of stone. "Without power? Old fool? Crazy nut? Is that what you think? Well, I believe you've said everything you need to say, but as for giving me a piece of your mind, why, I think that's a grand idea."

And then, after Belboz muttered some arcane spell under his breath, Fred reached up with one hand and began to gouge his fingers into his own forehead. Fred didn't want to be doing this of course, but he was under the wizard's spell and the compulsion was just too strong to resist. Even the extreme excruciating pain did not give Fred's fingers pause in their manic mission until the job was done and a juicy morsel of Fred's frontal lobe was clutched in the palm of his hand. And then, the do-it- yourself lobotomy over with, Fred turned and presented the spongy pink brain matter to the grimly amused old wizard. The wizard smiled and took the piece of Fred's mind. "This will do. Yes, this will do just fine. And as for you, you are now free to go where you will."

Fred just stared at Belboz and drooled.

  1. Fred continues on with his quest to find and slay the Dragon
  2. Fred realizes that he's not thinking too straight and decides he needs to replace his missing brain power, preferably with a piece from somebody else's brain

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