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The Never Ending Quest - Episode 6953

In one of the Mall of America's bookstores, Fred realizes that some of these books could help him find the location of the dragon. This will happen, however, when Fred can tear himself away from the Dragon Ball Z manga!

Eventually, Fred discovers something after about 90 minutes in the section where books about animals are kept. There's something called a "Komodo dragon". Could this be it?

Fred swiftly decides that this is the dragon he was destined to slay.

  1. Fred marches out of the mall, and straight to the nearest zoo.
  2. Fred now has to figure out how to get to this "Indonesia" place where the Komodo dragon resides.
  3. Fred is thrown out of the bookstore after having done nothing but read books for six hours.

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Ben McClellan

10/12/2010 10:09:14 AM

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