
The Never Ending Quest - Episode 6856

Stacy's room faced north, and it had heavy curtains, so even at noon little daylight percolated inside. In fact, it was only the room light being switched on that woke her. She sat up in bed, not knowing where she was for a moment. Then she remembered, and with a shriek grabbed the bedclothes to cover herself.

She found herself looking at a rather startled chambermaid. "Sorry to disturb you," said the girl. "I didn't expect to find anyone still in their room so late." Stacy looked at the bed-side clock: 12:03. "I overslept," she said. "I hadn't realised how tired I was. If you could come back in thirty minutes or so, I'll be out of here by then." "Sure. I've got several other rooms that I can do before I come back here."

Stacy hurriedly showered and dressed. Leaving her room, she went on a shopping trip. She bought herself a watch, a hat and a nightie, then returned to her room to leave the nightie (the maid had been quick and had already made up the room and departed). After that, she found somewhere to have what for her amounted to brunch.

Finishing her meal, she looked at her new watch: 13:55. She remembered that the cab driver who had brought her to Socorro had said that he thought the Visitors' Centre out at the VLA was open till sunset. At this time of the year, sunset should be fairly late, so she still had plenty of time to get out there and have a look round.

  1. She got a cab out to the site.
  2. To her annoyance, there were no cabs to be had.

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