Is Gnome a Demon or a child gnome!

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 6380

After pondering a bit, Fred said to the gnome, "Before I accept your challenge to kill the king must have proof that he is a wizard with evil intent." The gnome nodded then disappeared. Upon waiting for the proof, an old woman approached him, "Have you seen Pip, my Pip?" "No." He answered then he wondered if she meant the gnome, then he descibed him to her. "No!!!!!!!!" She fainted as she came to, "That is Zortin, a demon from hell!" From behind her was a beautiful woman, not yet nearly twenty and said, "Kind Sir, please do not listen to her, She is my Aunt she is quite mad and has been for many many years." Then she turned to the old woman, "Please come inside. It is time to take your medicine." Then the old woman mumbled, "My Pip, have you seened my Pip!" "Auntie, please, your son died years ago, he died in the war." Before entering the cottage, the woman turned to Fred and said in hushed and odd voice, "Whatever you do, please I begged you do not out in the night, the king has ordered all of us take inside or it is prison for us all." Then she disappeared into the cottage. The gnome at last appeared before Fred and presented him a single tiny pinky ring."Here is your proof." "A single tiny pinky ring, you hand me a single tiny pinky ring to prove that the king is evil." Fred scoffed. Looking all the around, gnome was gone but on the ground was a tarot card of the fool. 1. Talk to the old woman about Pipp 2. Talk to the beautiful woman about the card 3. Take the ring show it to the king 4. Wear the ring 5. Give ring to the beautiful woman 6. Show the card to the king it is time for your medicine"

  1. Talk to the old Woman about Pip
  2. Talk to the beautiful woman abou the card
  3. Take the ring show it to the king
  4. Wear the ring
  5. Give the ring to the beautiful woman
  6. Show the card to the king

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