Death is only the begining

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 63171

Fred coughs awakens and immediatly coughs up more water than a man could live through. "A dream?" Fred says aloud.

"In a way.In many ways actually"

Fred spun around to try and find the source of that voice. He found that it came from a dog sitting in front him."Who are you? And where am I? " The last came out in a gasp as Fred looked about him and saw that he was standing in water about mid-shin height in a river. The river was positioned in a canyon and was extremly fast moving despite its size. The entire place had an odd subdued feel about it.
"I am the Disreputable Dog and you are in Death" The dog said as if it were common to find oneself dead and talking to other species.
"DEATH!?!?" "Yes Death you ninny.Now calm down, Death is never as permanent as most think"The dog walked to the far end of the stream to what appeared to be a small whirl pool and said"You can either come with me and get the grand tour or get ripped through this gate and end up permanently stuck here.So what will it be?"

  1. Follow the dog
  2. Head for the canyon walls (Cliff scaling vs. Talking dogs)
  3. Stay in the cooling waters

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