Cutting Belboz Free

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 61894

"Hmm" Fred thinks, "poor Belboz. He is still frozen. Still - 'tis but a minor inconvenience, for I shall cut him free with my trusty blade!"

So saying, Fred unsheathes his mighty sword Gethshemaron, scourge of the goblin tribes of M'shoon-Ra, slayer of the loathsome Wyrm of Ogthork, and free gift with last month's Quester's Monthly (available from most good bookshops). The sword, held aloft by Fred, glistens dully in the dank half-light afforded by the smattering of torches set into the cavernous walls. Then, with a whirl of his wrists, Fred sets about his task, the keening blade a blur of metal movement as it sets about the frozen wizard from a dizzying array of angles.

It is the work of no more than a few seconds. By the end

  1. Belboz has been freed from the encasing block of ice
  2. Belboz has been sliced and diced into a hundred different pieces
  3. Fred has made no impact upon the frozen wizard
  4. the sword is knackered. "Hmm" thinks Fred, "Quester's Monthly will be hearing about this!"

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