The Koala's Quest

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 61847

Belboz said, "Fred, if you come in to the dragon's lair as an armed knight, or even as a furious animal like a lion or bear, the dragon is going to be on his guard. If you come in as a koala, you can scout around and perhaps find a weakness. In the worst case, if you have to defend yourself, your sharp claws are as good a defense as a sword."

Fred replied, "How is it that I can talk? Or for that matter, think? Can real koalas do that?"

Belboz replied, "No. But through the by-laws of the Mages Association, there is an implied understanding that when transformations for the purposes of quests take place, the transformee can talk and think like a normal human being."

"I see. Any possibility of extra help? Like a potion, or magic spell? Or at least a trusty sidekick?"

Belboz answered,

  1. "Nope. You are on your own."
  2. "As a matter of fact, there has been something that I have been meaning to try out for some time. Now is as good a time as any."
  3. "One trusty sidekick coming right up!"

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