The Story Police Redux

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 61834

The boatload of schoolgirl brats are obviously full of it with their giggly-girl nonsense and talk of Aqualarian Law. Fred is a firm believer in Allarian Law and doesn't believe in education for girls. Fred decides he's had enough. He turns on the mouthy Mandy and lops off her head with his sword. As Mandy's head flies through the air, Fred turns on the others and puts Britney, Gwen, and Exphilanta to the sword as well. The bodies of all four girls lay in a pool of blood around Fred's feet.

Just then there is a very loud explosion and the room fills with smoke: not normal smoke but smoke which aggravates the lungs and eyes, making it difficult to breathe or see.

When the air clears Fred finds he is surrounded by four men in masks and strange uniforms. The men swiftly unmask and reveal themselves to be . . .

"The Story Police!"

"That's us," one replies to Fred's disbelieving gasp. "Or Plot Cops - take your pick. Either way we're taking you in."

"On what charge?"

"Are you serious buster? What do you think?"

Fred looks genuinely nonplussed: "Err, is it the whole putting girls to the sword thing?"

"Duh-UH!" another cop replies. Fred has no idea what this means.

"Of course it's the 'putting girls to the sword thing.'" the first cop resumes. "It's completely out-of-character. As Story Police we make no judgement on the morality of character's actions so long as they are consistent. However by randomly slaying four young girls you have clearly behaved at odds with the heroic character of Lord Fred which has been established elsewhere in the storyline."

Fred breaks down as he is cuffed and led away: "It was an option; it was an option!" he whines.

"Yeah, but no-one made you pick it!" a third cop sneers back.

The cops bundle Fred out of a door he could have sworn wasn't there two minutes ago, leaving the four dead girls' bodies to rot on the now empty ship.

  1. Fred goes to Jail
  2. Fred escapes

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