Diplomacy is best.

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 5959

Indeed, it would be best that we normalize relationships with this African nation as quick as possible! Astra thinks to herself. Through the insight and...gift for invention by Alicia....the Ethiopians held in their hands the key to not only defeating their Muslim harasser...but also breaking out back into regular contact with the outside world. Hmm, if Rome didn't declare them heretics....that wily Bishop of Rome could even have gotten Ethiopia to join them on a Crusade to.....cleanse the lands of the last Pagan strongholds. It always had stuck in the Churches craw that they had not been able to convert more of Aeurope to Christianity....they kept on running into a pagan wall....

As much as Astra loved her nation, she doubted that it could stood up to the onslaught of rifles, gattler guns, and other Ethiopian war machines!

Best to invest. Keep the friendship between Aqualaria and Ethiopia by finally establishing diplomatic ties and such.

The Regent was a dear friend to the House of Thessamer, but it would be an insult to NOT set up something more formal.....

"And....since you are Christian....." Astra said, smiling a comforting smile as she watched Helena 4 turn a ghostly shade of white. "Don't worry, I'm not on some Crusade to establish one state religion! By Hades, my husband and King is Christian, though I'm of the old religion. Differences make good sparks and keeps the relation warm and interesting!"

"I....wasn't aware of those facts, my.....liege lady," Helena 4 croaked out, shaken to the core. "And I'm honored."

Apparently, though steps had been taken to keep her secret confession to her "sisters" private....the walls still had ears. That, and servants....still eavesdropped and talked. Perhaps even to the Regent (who passed it along to Queen Astra)?

Tonight, she silently promised to her Lord up in Heaven. Tonight, I thank you for this....near miracle. Now, I no longer need hide my Belief in You....

"I'm gladdened to hear that," the queen smiled. "This may seem strange to you all, but...after seeing the D'Honaires gain....let us see....six new sons (one a fox/man ...another a dragon), seven daughters-in-laws (one a shefox), and....thirty five grandchildren! With a clutch of dragon eggs on their way...no less!"

Queen Astra shook her head in befuddlement, suddenly looking more like the young woman she was than a warrior queen of a mighty (if battered) nation.

"Compared to that," the queen continued. "This business with dealing with family that has been statues for well over eighty years by making them ambassadors to the non-human nations...pales in comparison."

"True," the Helenas say together in heartfelt agreement. Their situation was strange, but the affairs of the house D'Honaire!.......

"As for the rest of you," Astra says. "Well, Helena 3. You have a similar tale of triumph and tragedy as my great aunt, Helena 1."

Astra "farms out" Helena 2's talents to the Manimals, to take up Astra 1's job (Astra 1 was too busy being mother and duchess up in Walants).

Astra had fiddled with the idea of making Helena a dimplomat/Ambassador to the dwarves....but decided to give that job to the rahter annoying diplomat known as Tilbert. Tarin promised to knock the SOB right if he decided to get out of line. Astra still was angered at the man's attempts to....set his own agenda....but he didn't deserve to be executed for stupidity and foolish pride. A long stint with the dwarves might get his act together.

Speaking of dwarves....

Astra smiled, remembering the recounting by that strangely good mannered dwarf. Probe had indeed been able to supply Tarin with SOME knowledge of Alliance metallurgy (albeit the less durable....less strong....civilian brand of the beast). Even that had thrown his Clan into chaos, and not only had Tarin been accepted BACK into the Clan....he'd somehow managed to gain the crown!

He had sent out three dozen of his fiercest warriors, ostensibly to join the Military in order to garner the knowledge of Military metallurgy. The Military had made it clear that ANY knowledge of such.....secretive nature....would only be given if the dwarf in question JOINED. In actuality, it was to get rid of some of the more troublesome rabble rousers. Tarin knew exactly what would happen, and he wasn't disappointed.

Half of the dwarves had killed themselves by not believing that the humans knew what they said about the strange weaponry such as "grenades" and such. Of the half, part of the fatalities was due to sheer stupidity...and part was in due to the arrogant dwarf in question attacking the drill instructor (who just happened to be VERY good in unarmed combat.....). Several were "washed out" due to physical or mental problems (brought on by intense....er....training....more like angry sergeants running the dwarves into the ground....and then kicking them repeatedly to get them to move.....). Of the SIX dwarves that actually made it through Basic Training, all of them came back....changed.

No information would be garnered from them, for something akin to religious conversion had happened. They would not betray the Military, for to do that would dishonor themselves and the Military. This brought more than a few one sided screaming sessions between would be conspirators and the strangely quiet Alliance dwarven soldiers.....

Astra found it all a bit....eerie.

That aside, it would be a good time to make inroads with some of Terra's finest metal smiths.....

"Finally, there is Helena 3," the queen finishes. "The griffin clans have recently united under something, from rumor, of a holy chieftain or something. A griffin of pure black....."

"By Hera!" Helena 3 interrupted, surprised. "A black griffin, would definitely do THAT, by the gods of Olympus!

"I take the coloration is something special?" Astra asks, intrigued.

"It's VERY special," Helena says emphatically. "You see, your majesty, black plumage and pelt is unheard of in the race of griffin. Holy teachings of the griffin prophecy that a black griffin would come out from the skys above to lead the winged folk to greatness!"

"Ah, that would explain much," Astra nodded. "Their leader met me personally and spoke of establishing relations....so his people could be seen as worthy as being seen as civilized.....equal to other races....."

"Ah....he...spoke a human tongue?" Helena said, impressed. "That is vanishingly rare among the griffin, Queen Astra. I'd...be honored to meet him and be their ambassador!"

The Helenas smile, then blink when Astra informs them that instead of taking a sailing ship......

Inquirer smiled a friendly smile at her passengers. The wide eyed Helenas stared back at her, as well as Fred 4 and family (off on another expedition to a different parcel of land in Aqualaria....just like Fred 3's group), Synizn (going wherever his liege lord and lady goes), and the newest ambassadors of the dragon nation of the East for Ethiopia....

Inquirer notices the slight bulge that translated from the....well....whatever you'd call a dragon's pregnancy to human terms..... Whatever the case, Dragon Frederigo D'Honaire and Malachi D'Honaire look like the cats who ate the canary!

"Welcome aboard Shuttlecraft 12 of the Alliance Forces," the female AI/golem says in a light an friendly voice. "Usually, we'd not have to hurry like this, but.....well....the sooner we get this done....the sooner I don't have to worry about the Fleet remembering about the shuttles."

With the minimum of banter, Inquirer speed the shuttlecraft as quickly as she can (not at top speed...so as to not disturb the sleeping children....).

  1. The last stop, before heading back to base to join up with her father-Probe, and... (snicker)....his humble dragon guardman/mage.....Dragon Synizn-is Helena 3's meeting with a black griffin.....

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