Stone? That's no stone!

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 578

Fred reaches out for the stone, his vision blurring. He is too late. A man in his 30s dressed in a sensible way for someone of a different era (the 1920's, in fact) snatches the stone away from him. In a nasal voice (think "nasal-voiced mobster"), the man plants a foot on Fred's head and shouts "Hey, Mac! The last guy who tried to steal my Blackberry was found inna dumpster!" Fred stares, not knowing why this rock would be named after a piece of fruit. "Found in pieces!" says the sensibly-dressed man, making chopping motions with his hands. "What's with the get-up, pal? You dressed up for a play or somethin'?"

  1. Fred groans.
  2. Fred explains himself through a mouthful of sand.

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