Odo On Voyager

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 5766

Sir Josh took a moment to crack his knuckles. This simulation game was finally getting interesting!

"And yet the future with the mystical humans and the genocide and the rampant death will still exsist?" said Odo, reclining on the ready room couch.

"Sadly enough, that is what the Gaurdian assured us. Also, we will get Solomon back, even though an alternate reality Solomon will remain the future. It really is quite insane."

"Quite." said Odo. "I must get back to the grubby Ferengi. I have to make sure the millitary doesn't dissect them. Well, not too much. Remeber, the frequency to ride the energy wave back to the future is one point eight two five."

"One point eight two five." said Janeway. She did not worry. Tuvok already knew the frequency and thus, it would be perfect.

Time passes

Voyager came to a stop above a lush, red, class-M planet.

"Ensign Kim's log, supplemental. We have returned to the Delta Quadrant. We had coasted back to the Alpha Quadrant on the energy wave the Ferengis created. Something Tuvok is only vaguely sure was the Gaurdian threw us back to our relative position, with the added bonus of forward travel. Yes, that sounds confusing. We spent some time hopping around the other dimensions. We ended up at the cordinates we would be at if we had spent all that time traveling in this dimension. I just pray we didn't miss any wormholes."

Ensign Kim sat on the bridge, watching over the night crew. Ten men were down on the planet, transporting up desperately needed foodstuffs. Most of the main crew were sleeping. Tom wasn't, though, he seemed to be spending too much time in that holoprogram of his, reliving the adventures of Captain Picard and his crew. This disturbed Kim. It was one thing to re-live Kirk's adventures, because the man had passed on. But Picard and his bridge crew were still alive. At least they had been when they had received the communications from the Alpha Quadrant. Voyager didn't even know if the war was over!

  1. Time passes. Kim walks around the bridge. He notices something odd. Didn't Ensign Kelly at tactical only have one waterglass?
  2. Kim's shift ends when Furry Janeway takes over. He goes to see what Tom is up to in Holodeck One.
  3. Kim discovers several minutes had passed. The ship had landed on the Class M planet! A whisper-soft voice echoed through the bridge, declaring the crew safe from all Donarian Predator ships. But the Donarians had died centuries ago!
  4. The Enterprise Q comes hurtling around a nearby star. They're here to take Voyager home! What the hey?
  5. Ensign Kim blinks as sensors detect a small ship pops out of nowhere, and hails the Voyager....

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Lots42 (in case I wasn't clear, Voyager ended up in the human's dimension) 42@aol.com

11/18/1999 1:52:54 AM

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