It's a joke, son!

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 5601

Well, it's silly and dumb, Probe mutters to himself. It makes no sense, but it worked on the Enemy because they didn't like to be slighted by "lower life forms" in any way, shape, or form. Zerm is got a lot of arrogance, I'll

Because Probe's outraged heart demanded it, he spoke.

"That rode island red turned white," Probe said in a perfect imitation of the loud mouthed Warner Brother's rooster. "Then blue!"

Zerm's ghostly eyebrows draw together in anger. The voice sounds vaguely familiar from some odd glimpses via magic into the Otherworlds, but he can't place it. He DOES, however, know when he's being mocked! He forgets himself. Some angrily grunted out words of power should have smashed the arrogant man/thing above him...but nothing happened. Zerm had, for a second, forgotten that magic was no longer his to command. His last link to the realm had been severed....

Angered, he failed to hear the slight increase in a noise that would raise the hairs on the back of his ghostly neck. It is also getting darker...

Probe fails to notice the lights are getting a touch brighter, his attention totally focused by his rage against Zerm....

Neither look up above or down below. If they had, they'd have noticed something that would have stunned them....Probe in wondrous awe....Zerm in horrified dread......

Also unnoticed are the shouts of dismay from Probe's comrades as it dawns upon them that Probe has "blown his brains out" in order to terminate Zerm's threat.

"Rhode island!" Probe shouted down at Zerm. "Red, white, BLUE! That's a JOKE, son! A flag waver!!" A soft combination of horns plays a military them in the background. Zerm recognizes it as being one theme from the empire of the United States of America!

"Shut up," Zerm whispers, shaking in rage.

"You're built to low!" Probe continues in this small, admittedly petty, triad. Petty, yet Probe's rage egged him on in egging on Zerm! "The fast ones go over your HEAD!"

Prove may be noble in a few things, but he's as "human" as the next guy.

"You gotta hole in you Glove!" Probe laughs as Zerm grinds his ghostly teeth. "I keep pitching them and YOU keep missing them!"

"Shut up!" Zerm says quietly, feeling impotent fury.

"Eye!" shouts Probe, shaking his head. "Ball! Eyeball!!"

The lights get brighter for Probe.

The city gets dimmer for Zerm AND now the ghastly background noise now has quiet wails of agony and grief.

Neither notice because both are suffering from tunnel vision brought on by an overload of emotions.

Inquirer feels like crying, in grief for her Family of spies "Father" when she notices something. The panel to Probe's I/O panel popped open sometime between the time Zerm's spell had locked up his base unit and the massive overload to Probe's peripheral systems from his laser cutting through dozens of systems (as well as his mind).

"Hey!" she shouts, grabbing for a magical gem she'd hope to use upon Zerm. A similar one had worked upon her, and had drawn her mind (and spirit) within.

Probe's higher functions were gone, but he was still "alive" in a a comatose state. Hopefully.....

Unseen by the living, the dead still are at it. They ignore the living, and are only aware of the other...

"Almost had a GAG, son!" Probe finishes. "Joke, that is!...."

"SHUT UP!!" Zerm screams, emotion overflowing.

Next is a series of quick events.

The light on Probe brightens to such a beautiful intensity that is enough to catch his attention. Probe gasps in shock, and begins to look up in awe. He begins to see an unearthly beauty, but his attention is drawn back to what is happening to Zerm!

Zerm snaps out of his hateful gaze with Probe, and then screams as he sees....things....coming for him! Horrible, inexplicably horrible .... things....

Probe shivers in disgust as he sees dark, clawed hands drag the ghostly dark mage into the shadows....and then out of this existence. He begins to feel the first, insistent but faint tugging of something from above as Probe slaps home a magical gem on what remains of his electronic mind.

Probe then feels himself falling and his vision is replaced with a foggy world of purple....purple...and more purple.

  1. Probe knows what has happened to him. Inquirer, his "daughter" had described this to him when he'd asked what it had been like...being sucked into the golem's gem....

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