Fred's courage snaps

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 5515

Fred's brief encounter with the dragon has destroyed his courage. He flees, leaving behind no end of helpful and interesting supporting characters.
Fred lives as a fugitive for several weeks before being arrested in a brothel restroom.
He is brought before King Emry to answer for the crime of fleeing his mission.
Emry sat behind a glimmering force field, just in case Fred tried to do something stupid. It made him, his small, ergonomically desgined throne and his loyal four gaurds look all red and evil.

  1. accepts his punishment with good grace.
  2. gallantly argues against being punished.
  3. whines like a little girl.
  4. tries something despite the forcefield.
  5. insists on being called 'Annabelle' before the proceedings can continue.
  6. hallucinates a brown bunny rabbit.

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