Voices in the dark

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 540

The wine cellar rumbled and the walls seemed to be closing in but the Lord D'Honaire was faster than a fox-chased hare. He ran towards the southern passage and exited just in time.

He found himself in a rock-hewn corridor lined with fungi that seemed to exude light. He felt the rock and it was rough in some places and smooth in others; the strange thing was that almost the entirety of the lower portion of the walls were smooth, as if something regularly brushed against them. Before Lord Fred could think more upon this he heard voices coming from some deeper portion of the dreadful Caves.

As he edged farther down the corridor and closer to the voices, it seemed that they were getting lower, harder to hear, it seemed that whomever was speaking was getting farther from Lord Fred. He decided to make his way faster towards the voices. Perhaps it was a group of people, travelers or adventurers, or even mercenaries. Anyone would be better than no one.

Finally he caught up to a spot where the voices resounded a bit louder, Fred decided to listen before revealing himself - a most prudent move.

"Malachi!!" spoke one voice. "Malachi wouldn't act out openly against Minestus. Its far too dangerous."

Another voice responded, "Ye just can't tell. That dragoness is a rouge dragon. If'n she knows what Minestus is up to..."

"No one knows. The *pets* can't talk with anyone but themselves, and everyone who works for the dragon is truly loyal, or is truly dead."

"So I've been told. But you've heard the rumors. It is said some pirate's princess escaped and headed to the Provinces of the Bhokinarii; others say that at least two merchantmen were seen fleeing to the lands of Malboncton."

"It is also said that the Faery with the Blue Hair turned a wooden marionette into a boy! Bah! Foolishness and vanities!!! All YOU need to know is that we work for Minestus! If that dragoness Malachi is gathering resources then so be it. Minestus is our Lord, our Master, our ticket to an early retirement!"

"But Minestus appears to be preparing for a war! I don't want to be around if any fighting starts. What good be Retirement Package A if we're not around to enjoy it?!!?"

The voices continued their advancement and at a quicker pace than Fred could handle. Soon they were too far away for Fred to hear at all. But what he had gleaned was incredible...two dragons fighting it out amongst each other!!! How could this be? Fred was anxious to find the voices anew, but was worried about being caught. Before Fred could decide what to do, he heard a most strange sound: a slurping against stone, a slush of mucous against hard rock, a bemused swish of spittle against boulders. Then he realized what it was...the dreaded subteranean slug! And it was coming in fast (relatively speaking) behind him!!!

  1. He reached for his sword and found it wasn't at his side! He must have lost it in his descent and rapid escape from the wine cellar. Looking about the blackened passage he saw nothing, so he did the only thing he could think of, he....

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