Fred's Secret

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 53086

"Another fetch quest?!" Fred groans.

Belboz gave him a stiff look. "Well, if you don't want the spell, you can about your wa-"

"Fine, fine, I'll get it" says Fred begrudgingly. "Where is this "moar- awn's" chalice?" he asked struggling for he'd never heard the word "Moron" in his life.

Since Belboz's hands are full of shrooms at the moment, he uses his head to motion up at the ceiling. Fred looked up. At first he was confused. All he could see was jagged rocks stuck to ceiling, but then Fred made out a tiny man hole, barely wider than his own body.

"You…you want me to go up…the…there?" Fred stuttered. His body petrified in fear.

Belboz smirked. "Is something wrong?"

Fred said nothing. All his life he'd lived a secret he'd been ashamed of, a secret he'd tried so hard to hide; He was afraid of heights. If a height was higher than him, he wanted no part of it.

"I don't deserve my title"" Fred thought bitterly, as he eyed the ceiling in despair. He turned to face Belboz and thought up a valid excuse for not going up there. "Trust me my dear acquaintance, as much as I would love to locate this "moar-awn's" chalice, it appears to be impossible, for there's no way I can hope to get through that hole in the ceiling. It's simply too high.

  1. "Don't be such a Pessimist, Fred. I can conjure up a spell that'll float you to the top in no time. All you have to do is bring the the Necklace of Cold Love."
  2. "Don't be such a Pessimist, Fred." Belboz motioned his head at a nearby wall. There, Fred saw a stairway which he failed to notice before.
  3. "Whoever said the Chalice was up there? I just wanted you to look at it!"
  4. "Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle, you're right. Looks like I won't be able to help you today.

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