Dangers of Digestion

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 52473

Fred senses many dangers awaiting inside the hole in the center of the dragon's stomach and attemps to escape the dragon's stomach through the esophagus. Clinging to the dragon's stomach lining, he begins to climb up the dragon's slimy stomach to reach the esophagus. "All most there..." said, Fred. But, as soon as Fred reaches the opening of the esophagus, the dragon's stomach begins to churn. Fred loses his grip and plummets back down to the bottom of the dragon's stomach. "Oh, no!" cried, Fred. Fred sinks into the soft stomach lining as he hits the bottom and slightly springs back up. The churning movement was a sign that the dragon was already beginning to digest him. Suddenly, the dragon's stomach stopped churning and began to release large amounts of stomach acid. On the outside of the dragon's stomach... The dragon smiled greedily, licked his lips, and rubbed his belly with both fore-legs. On the inside of the dragon's stomach... Fred was being burried alive by the flooding stomach acids that filled up the dragon's stomach. Fred realizes that his only hope for survival may be the hole in the center of the dragon's stomach. Even, though, it stung his whole body, Fred took a deep breath and dove into the flooding stomach acids to attempt to find the hole. He found it, but, it was too late. The hole was sealed so the stomach acid would stay inside the stomach. "Nooooooooo!!!!!" cried, Fred in pain. "There's no hope left for me." It was too late. The esophagus was sealed, too, and the stomach acids completely flooded the dragon's stomach and the dragon's stomach began to churn again. Fred was being shoved back and forth by the dragon's stomach muscles. He was also squeezed together by the dragon's stomach muscles as well. Eventually, he was completely digested by the dragon. On the outside of the dragon's stomach... the dragon let out a great belch which had a fetid smell to it and patted his belly with both fore-legs once again and was satisfied. "Nothing like a delicious meal to help you get to sleep." said the dragon in satisfaction. And the dragon settled down and went to sleep. As for Fred... Since he was dead, he had a choice to make. Would he...

  1. Enter Heaven
  2. Enter Hell

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