He's a dog, that's a dog.

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 5245

Belboz, insulted by Fred's request to slay his dragon friend, turns Fred into a dog and skulks off. Fred stares at the mirror. "I'm a dog!" He exclaims in dog speak. He turns around and sees a dog, "Hey, I didn't need two mirrors!"

"What are you talking about? I'm another dog-human like yourself. My name is Velus." The other dog was talking to him. In dog-speak, he assumed.

"I am Lord Frederigo De Honaire. Or Fred. Brave knight of the lands. Got turned into a dog by some stupid wizard. Belboz or summat."

"Alas, he is the one who put me into this state too!"

  1. Fred asks Velus about who he was before he was a dog.
  2. Fred and Velus plot revenge on Belboz.

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