From Knight to Girl

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 5243

Belboz waved his hands, and Sir Fred felt a strange sensation - an odd vertigo, and the sensation that he was - shrinking?

Then as quickly as it began, it stopped.

Sir Fred heard the old magician cackling, whirled around, and found that, sure enough, rather than looking down at the wizard as before, he now had to look up at him! "There! That'll keep you from sticking your nose where it's not wanted!"

Furious, Fred began to demand, "What've you done - " Then stopped. His voice sounded strangely high-pitched, almost feminine.

"Confused?" Belboz asked merrily. He pointed Sir Fred towards a mirror, saying, "There, that should clear up certain things nicely."

Fred looked in the mirror and gasped in shock - the reason for his feminine-sounding voice was revealed - he was now a girl. Not a woman, but a girl!!! Somehow, Belboz had reduced him from a handsome, strapping, virile knight to a dainty, prettily girlish young lass of about:

  1. 15
  2. 12
  3. 9
  4. 6
  5. 3

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Bill L.

4/23/2000 9:28:40 PM

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