The Horrifying Dragon

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 52394

Without warning, the mages all at once stop chantting and the lights quit shining, the smoked began to dissapear, and the music got quieter before fading away completely. Fred freezes. He's sure he's going to get caught, but they don't look in his direction. Instead, they stare down on to the floor where Fred now noticed a large gate by one of the bottem floor's walls that he had never noticed before. All of the girls had stopped dancing now. All of them except the one who look as though she were enjoying herself was standing as though petrified. The girl who (seemingly) was enjoying herself was just looking around, perhaps dissapointed.

A loud squeak echoed throughout the room. Slowly the gate began to open. Even from his distance, Fred could hear something breathing inside their. A small part of the creatures body came out of the gate and Fred went pale.

A large, black, dragon's head appeared. Even though it was only it's head, it was still the size of the King's grand carrage. It's piercing red eyes were about the size of a cannenball, but its bloodshot eyes could probably bring fear to God himself. A combination of different sized spikes surrounded his head, but Fred welcomed them when he saw the death-black armoured scales.

The dragon moved it's head into the center of the room, sniffing all the women he passed (some of them passing out as it did it). It still hadn't shown a single bit of it's body. Instead, it showed off an enourmously large neck, also bearing the horrid scales and spikes. Fred didn't even want to guess how it was.

After continuing to sniff all of the girls, the dragon opened it's mouth and displayed dark gray, jagged teeth (Fred didn't even want to imagine what the dragon had used those for). Smoke began to extract from it's mouth and it filled the room again. If Fred was thinking logically, he'd have probably realized that that dragon must have been causing the smoke. After a few seconds, smoke stopped coming out and it's tongue slowly begin to rise out of its mouth, dripping boiling water onto the floor. It began to lick a red haired girl. Fred did not know why, but seeing the dragon do this made him furious. For a second, he wanted to just grab his sword, jump down, and run up and stab the creature in the eyes. But it didn't take long for reality to hit Fred once he say it's eyes again.

The women the dragon was licking to scream, and ran over to the wall, near a ladder on the opposite side. The dragon slowly began to move it's head toward her, knowing she can not escape (and Fred, unfortionatly, knew this too). The black-robed mages were giving dark chuckles and the girl who was enjoying herself was cackling with laughter. Fred took out his sword. He knew he couldn't defeat this foe. He knew it was suicide to try to save this woman, but somehow, he knew had to try. Something about that woman, just made it worth it.

  1. Fred jumps down from the ledge and attempts to battle the dragon.
  2. Instead, Fred runs around the outer-ledge to help the woman.
  3. Before Fred continues, the dragon go's after a different target.
  4. The beautiful women begans to fight the dragon.

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