Reality and a Bit of Reminiscing

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 51640

Fred faints from hunger. When he eventually opens his eyes again, he finds himself in bed. Looking around, he discovers that he's in his bedroom. It had all been a dream. He was not due to begin his quest to fight the dragon for several days yet. He'd been having a lot of these strange dreams lately, that seem to begin normally enough and then descend into silliness. He had no idea why, either. He had not changed his dietary habits recently.

At breakfast, his father reminded him that such dreams seemed to common among those destined to attempt to kill the dragon, especially among the D'Honaires. Fred pointed out that all previous attempts had been total failures, but his father dismissed the idea of there being any connection as ridiculous.

Fred was still not convinced, though he couldn't back down now. To do so would bring dishonour to the previous seven generations of D'Honaires that had fought the dragon. His father had been one of the luckier ones, as he had managed to escape with few injuries. His detractors claimed that his survival relatively unscathed meant he had never fought the dragon, previous ancestors having been killed or severely changed in some way either physically or mentally. He had, though, fighting along several other warriors. One, a female from Aqualaria, had subsequently married him. Not that this strengthened his case. The words of women, regardless of their background, were not given much credance in the male-dominated society that was Allaria.

Desperate to reestablish his standing in the eyes of hypocritical, but powerful, men, Fred's father took on other quests to prove the nay-sayers wrong. He was nearly killed on one of them.

After several more perilous escapes, the King himself stepped in. He said Fred's father had done more for Allaria than any other knight before him, and enforced early retirement.

  1. Several days later, it was time to try and succeed where his father and those before him had failed.

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