Dragon-Slayer...(He's a DRAGON, and he SLAYS things...ah...skip it...)

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 511

Lord Fred did not care that he was also a dragon now too; he was a KNIGHT, with an honourable quest, and the Quest came first. Besides, what with his special dragonish abilities, it should be much easier to fight the evil dragon.
It was easier to FIND him, too, Fred soon discovered. He could now, with his more sensitive dragonish sense of smell, pick up the trail of another dragon. Curious, he followed it to its source, through many complex tunnels (some of which were too small for him until he rectified that problem by melting the rocks into paste with his breath and squishing through with his fire-proof scales protecting him) until he came out in a huge, glittering cave.
And there was a Dragon.
But not the evil one.
Oh, no, this was a LADY Dragon. And she was the most beautiful thing Fred had ever seen in his life.
Must...fight...it.... he thought. But evidently he now had dragon instincts as well as the appearance of a dragon--he just could not stop staring at her startling beauty.
Then the Lady Dragon cleared her throat and said:

  1. "Please leave my cave at once, I'm getting dressed!"
  2. "What a handsome dragon you are! Will you marry me?"
  3. "GUARDS!! Kill the intruder!"
  4. "Oh, Evil Dragon, my dear husband, come here and see who's decided to join us for dinner!"

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