Harraw, Kitty

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 49320

Fred knelt in the seiza position and pulled out his short dagger. With both hands, he lifted the dagger in the air and grunted angrily. Thereupon he drove the dagger into his left abdomen, just below the ribcage.

"No!!!" the strange creatures shouted, frozen in horror.

Fred was red-faced and sweating profusely, but he was glad that he did not scream. Smiling faintly, he applied a slight bit of pressure to the dagger, driving the blade straight down to below his navel and then straight to the right, opening up his stomach and letting the inestines gush out, splattering all over the cavefloor.

Fred had no more strength left. He felt the dagger fall from his hands.

"Why?" asked one of the strange creatures, approaching him.

"For honor." Fred grinned. "Now... you know what to do."

"Right." the creature nodded. It pulled Fred's sword out of it's sheath. The blade glistened in the pale torchlight. Fred raised his head and closed his eyes.


  1. Golly gee! What happens to Fred now?

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