Lonely Songs and Dire Thirsts...

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 4621

Not all instincts can be repressed.

Astra of Aquilaria was learning this very quickly, as she succumbed to one of the urges that was welling to the surface of her consciousness. It had crept into her very slowly, but it grew, like a pressure, and she knew she had to release it.

Slowly, she raised her dark moist lips to the sky, and it forced its way up from her gut, ringing true and long. She howled, a long mournful salute, her eyes closing as she serenaded the moon. It was an exquisite feeling, savage, yet liberating. She did it again, as the beast in her dictated, and once more, enjoying it utterly. She lowered her head again, and listened as the echoes of her call reached her sensitive ears.

She was hanging on, if only barely. There was still a sense of control, but it was slipping. The call to give in was there, beating loud in her veins, like the primitive beat of a tribal drummer.

It would be so easy to just let go...

A cold breeze ruffled her fur, stirring her from her reverie. It brought a scent with it, and she drew it deep into the nostrils of her black-capped snout.



She could sense it nearby, in the bushes, and in a blur, she charged for it. She hungered, and she could take it, she knew it. It lunged for her, but she avoided its tusks, and her teeth closed about its throat. She pulled, and tasted blood, standing over the now steaming carcass of the boar.

The blood trickled down her throat, and her control weakened. She wasn't even sure she wanted to struggle anymore.

She stepped back, shaking her head back and forth, fighting her wolfish impulses. Just a little slip was all it would take, and she would be lost until sunrise.

But she was so hungry.

The blood was sweet. She licked her fangs with relish.

The rest of the night was a blur, spent in the throes of the wolf...

The harsh rays of daylight woke Astra, as she groggily stirred.

She found herself naked and spattered in blood, on a rock overlooking the valley, almost a mile from where she had seen the moon rise.

She got up and considered what to do next. After all, there were two nights of the full moon left...

  1. Astra decided to make the trek back to her clothing, and try to cover herself with the tatters. If all else failed, at least she could recover her sword.
  2. Astra tried to survey the valley. She had been lucky by not finding anyone last night. If she didn't find out if there were any signs of civilization, she might not be so lucky when the beast emerged tonight.
  3. Astra stayed on the rock, as it was easily defensible, and awaited moonrise again...

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