Anatomically Incorrect

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 4597

Rosepaw's jaw drops and her tail droops in shock as she sees the naked form of the female AI. It isn't like the vixen had a sense of offended moral values at seeing another naked (she went around naturally with no more "clothing" than that affored her glorious fur). She had no qualms about naked humans.

But somehow she had thought that since Inquirer had looked so human WITH cloths on, that she'd....well.....look more human with

See, Inquirer's Avatar body was female in shape, generally. The differences were obvious when one looked upon her now.

To be blunt, Inquirer's Avatar had none of the primary and secondary ..... er.... indicators.....of her sex. It was as smooth a a 20th century "Barbie doll."

"Ah, Rosepaw," Inquirer smiles as she finishes washing off the grime and dirt from the long bout of the unit's just laying about (thank the Creator that it hadn't begun to stink). "I see that you finally were able to get the little ones to sleep?"

"Yes, I was," the vixen says vaguely as Inquirer exits the bathing spot....about the size of an Olympic swimming pool. "The little dears fell right off to sleep after I sang to them. Er....Inquirer....about your....body."

"What?" Inquirer pauses drying herself off with a towel, and then sees what the small vixen is looking at. "Oh, you mean that thing? Oh, that's typical of an Avatar unit built for combat and general counter intelligence mode.

"There's a mode for Assassination/Seduction in the factory units that build Avatars, but I never really found the idea behind those models very appealing," Inquirer shrugs. She then finishes drying off and slips her body back into her clothing. She quickly ran her comb through the Sigourney Weaver look alike's hair (her hair from now on she corrected herself) and then turned back to the vixen.

"Something else?" Inquirer asked.

"It's....about the others," Rosepaw begins. "About the new demifox kits. I can understand why Fred 4 and Astra 4 are putting them up for adoption. Sigin and I together could have handled that number of kits, but they....don't have the same gifts as Sigin and I....with magic."

Indeed, if Rosepaw was only afforded her two hand and the blessed form of a fox, she'd be at wits end by now (her children could be such....scamps! times). She undderstood why Fred 4 and Astra 4 didn't want their mundane fox....mates....around either.

Seeing her former Packmates through her new, enhanced eyes and intelligence was.....shocking to say the least.

They had recognized her, but beyond that......

They were just animals, sad to say, and she had nothing really for them, any more.

"I was just wondering how the new parents would be chosen," the vixen continued. "I mean, the smoothest transition for the young ones probably would be for Alicia's clan....the fox raise them, but can't a Crystallic be used to change their form to that of their adoptive family?"

"Probably so...and probably for the best," Inquirer sighs, putting on her red barrette. "They are still just infants, and should be able to adapt to their new forms. I guess we could even try the demifoxes back near Walants, but.....we already have volunteers from the Pack.

"Either way, this looks like it's working out the best way it could," Inquirer says down to the fox. "I'm just wondering what will happen out in the world while the mages....and you.....recover fully from that session of healing Terra of the wounds she got from the Enemy nuclear attack!"

  1. And back in Castle D'Honaire.......

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