Orc Stew

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 4586

Fred was wallowing in his own self-pity when he suddenly heard some very strange sounds. It sounded like grunts, the kind a warthog might make on a summer's eve. But how would warthogs survive in the Calamari Desert?!!? This was a barren wasteland filled with many, many nasty things. It was no place for warthogs.

The grunting came closer and Lord Fred began to move around, looking for the source. Then he saw it, he saw them that is...a tribe of orcs! Following a winding sandy trail there were some fifty or so large, bulky, sweating, seven-toed orcs trudging up the sands. Sudden fear filled his body, he didn;t want to be seen by these monsters known to eat almost anything. He turned and begann to run the other way, but the sand was too shaky and he fell over. This, in its turn attracted the attention of the orc-tribe.

Fred was too stunned and weak from his fall up to defend himself. His knee was stikk aching, his head and tongue and teeth still hurt a lot, and his ears and his nose were still dripping blood. He was in bad shape. And that meant that he was easy pickings for the orcs.

After an initial smashing over the head, Fred awoke to find himself in a cage inside a hut that smelled of potpourri gone bad. Before him he saw the meanest, baddest, wickedest she-orc he had ever seen. And she was looking back at him, licking her lips!

  1. "Glad you could drop by for dinner," she said.
  2. Fred starting thinking of his escape....

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