Humdini's disappearing rabbit trick

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 455

Humdini says "Hey, I got a neat trick to show you!"

L.E. says "Uh, OK"

Humdini takes off his black magician's hat and says "Put the rabbit in the hat."

L.E. places the rabbit into the hat.

With a wave of his hand, Josh the bunny vanishes into thin air right before L.E.'s eyes.

L.E. yawns and says "I have seen disappearing rabbits before. Please make the rabbit reappear?"

  1. Humdini look puzzled for a minute and says "No, I will not make the rabbit reappear."
  2. Humdini waves his hand and L.E. suddenly becomes a rabbit!
  3. Humdini waves his hand and the Josh the bunny reappears in Humdini's hat.
  4. Humdini waves his hand and a bunny reappears, but L.E. doesn't know that this isn't Josh the bunny.

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2/17/1999 8:42:35 PM

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