The Dragon-Killer Thingy

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 45298

Fred thought carefully: what would most help him to kill the dragon? He had to choose carefully, that much was certain . . . Suddenly a large smile appeared on his face.

"I'd like something to help me kill the dragon!" he announced smugly.

The little magic man looked at Fred in a way which impled he was none too impressed (not that Fred would have noticed) and lifted his wand resignedly. He uttered a brief incantation which sounded like "Nattwut!" and flourished the wand through the air unconvincingly.

There followed a conflagration of light and a strange noise like an octopus trying not to break wind.

When all the commotion had died down the little magic dude and his wand had gone and all that were left in the room were Fred and

  1. a portable rocket launcher
  2. an oddly-glowing amulet
  3. Fred's eccentric Uncle, Cantifraxel
  4. a dragon-killing device

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Eric Kantona

12/9/2005 6:45:39 AM

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