Northwest Breeder

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 45275

Disgusted, Josh opens his communicator again, and requests another beam- out. "And how about actually going somewhere with it this time, huh?" he grumbles. "I'm only three feet to the left of where I was!"
Are you sure, Josh?
"Yes, please do something, Mr. Spot!"

The second beam-out deposits Josh...

  1. into his bedroom.
  2. down Scott's throat. Scott does not like this development.
  3. in a random subdivision in a nameless suburb.
  4. in the middle of a barfight. Josh is knocked silly by a thrown bottle.
  5. on the moon.
  6. onto the internet. Josh spends the rest of his life replicating viruses and infecting computers.
  7. three feet to the right.
  8. into either England, New York, San Ber'dino, Hawaii, Japan, Australia, Alaska, or a combination of all. Who knows?

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Ben McClellan

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