Nothing Happened

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 434

Fred looked at his sword as if expecting it to double in size, or get sharper, or something... But nothing happened. Fred looks at Belboz and says, "What's wrong? Nothing happened?"

"Lord Fred... You think in such small terms. Instead of just staring at the sword, why not try using it on something?" Belboz produced a hunk of rock in his hand and threw it at Fred.

Fred instinctively protected himself by swinging his blade at the rock. The blade went straight through, cutting the rock neatly into two pieces. Fred looked closer at them. The cut was perfect. Fred rubbed his hand against the cut surface. It was perfectly smooth.

"Wow!" yelled out Fred. "Now I can really fight the dragon! Thank you old man!" Fred begins to leave.

Belboz clears his throat and says, "Excuse me Fred, but what about my payment?"

  1. Fred asks him what the payment is.
  2. Fred ignores him and keeps going.
  3. Fred tries to cleave Belboz in two.

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