The mystroius end

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 4293

5 days later...... They was an uproar!Fred saw Velus doing bad stuff.Now,olny Fred is the hope.Sunnleny a guy came out of a red door.Fred asked Velus,"What happend?" The man said,Velus is the real dargon.He was doing evil.Antour dargon turned him into a dog.When you killed it,then you realse the spell.He isn't human,but he can now do evil agin." Velus was schoked.He said,"Aggg!"befour he passed out. The man said,"I am Tyi.Go in the red door.It is the gateway to the future."Fred belived that he can time-tlave and tursed Tyi.He gave his clothes to him and said,"While I am gone,you become me."Tyi wored his clothes.Then,Fred enterd into the Red Door!!!!

  1. Enetr the Red Door To The Future!

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By Tariq!

10/9/1999 3:59:31 PM

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