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The Never Ending Quest - Episode 4289

"Ah, I'm happy to see that at least That part of the Criteria set by the Atlantian's slipgate system is still in effect," a man said with a slight chuckle. "Always interesting to seeing how analogs of like mind either get along or not......Kind of makes you wonder if things had happened differently on this world, how things would have panned out with Fred the Manfox and Astra la Post......"

It had been a preference of the Atlantians to speak with analogs of like mind, a tribute to ego (for who'd want to contact somebody like themselves who'd start preaching about morality and all that.....they were nearly gods after all.....right?)

"Huh?" Astra and Fred ask intelligently, looking around and seeing nothing.

"Ah, nothing that really is important.....but goes to show just WHY there are so many similar stories panning out on Terra 'Alpha,'" the voice says. "Just that right now, things are going downhill, and By the Book....I'm not sure just HOW it'll turn out. Oh, I guess I'll just be nice and tell you what's what here. See, that dwarf just transported you to a mirror image world. Here's a listing of key players and events......"

Basically, the Voice tells them events that happened on the world they are heading for, what happened on some of the parallel world branches. Fred and Astra have trouble taking it in, but they manage.

(NO, I didn't feel like recaping at this time.....)

"Also, just a recent development, is the addition of yet MORE analog Freds and friends," the voice sighs. "Ones from a recent branching off from Fred 3's world, where instead of ending up on Terra Prime....Alpha....or what have you.....they were captured and turned back into demifoxes. They either sired or birthed several new kits.....and frankly I'm not sorry to see Dragonness Moreau dead after seeing her causing that......"

This Fred and Astra look ill. The infants give off pulses of curiosity, not being privy to this information.

" the gods!" Fred whispered, feeling sick and saddened for his analog and the other Astra.

"And....I thought that my....situation had been bad," Astra said, stunned. "But that....."

"Exactly," the voice said. "I sometimes wish I wasn't part of.....what I'm part of, but I am, so......" The voice sighs.

  1. "But....why are you telling us this?" Astra asks, suddenly curious.

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