Amy's Jungle Trek

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 42850

At least it should get warmer as she descended the mountain, Amy thought. The wind so high up was decidedly chilly when one was wearing only bra and panties, even though the jungle visible far below suggested that this was a tropical region.

The mountainside was steep, but fortunately for most of the time she was able to walk rather than needing to climb down, so she made quite good progress. After thirty minutes or so, the slope became noticeably less. She was walking through the first trees of the jungle now, though they were still widely spaced, and the rock beneath her bare feet was beginning to give way to soil.

After another fifteen minutes of walking, she was surrounded by thick jungle. The ground was becoming increasingly boggy. Most of the time she was ankle deep in mud, but once or twice she had blundered into pools that were waist deep and only extricated herself with difficulty.

She was beginning to wonder whether abandoning the quest and descending the mountain had been such a good idea after all, especially since she had no idea how far the jungle extended or how to find her way out of it. She was getting increasingly hungry and thirsty, but she saw nothing that looked edible and the water was far too foul to drink. The only consolation was that at least she was warm now, indeed almost too warm.

To add to Amy's troubles:

  1. It began to get dark.
  2. A thick creeper coiled on the ground suddenly tightened itself around her ankle and she was hoisted into the air, upside down. She must have blundered into someone's trap.
  3. She realised that Fred was following her.

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