Amy Entangled

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 42791

This time Amy aims for the sweatpants. She's not very dexterous at the distance she's keeping from the web, and the task is proving to be quite difficult. In her intense concentration, Amy slips up and falls forward, spearing the crotch of the pants with the pike.

"Damn it," she mutters under her breath. "This is more trouble than it's worth."

She pulls on the pike, but it seems to be caught on the web as well now. Amy sighs in frustration. She pulls harder, but to no avail. The pike's not going anywhere. With a heave, she hops backward, holding the pike tightly.

What she failed to realize, however, is that she had been pulling the web along with the pike, a far greater distance than was probably safe. She gave one last grunt, gave up, and was then pulled forward by the force of the pike ...

... right into the web, face-first!

Now Amy was really in trouble. Her face was caught in the web, both arms spread outward on it. Her right leg was extended along the web, from thigh to ankle; her left thigh was snagged on the web, but her calf was still free.

  1. The spider has noticed the disturbance on its web, and heads down to greet Amy.
  2. For some reason, Amy's escapade has remained unnoticed by the arachnid.

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