
The Never Ending Quest - Episode 42160

Fred, his quest now complete, decides he has some well-earned vacation time coming. He decides to head for Gelda.

Leaving Belboz and the caves behind, Fred makes his way to the nearest port, where he can book passage on the next ship sailing for Gelda.

However, once Fred reaches the port, he encounters a detachment of the King's personal guard. The Centurion of the Guard recognizes Fred and comes over. Say, says the Centurion, aren't you that weasely Fred character that the King tasked with slaying the dragon?

Fred proudly puffs out his chest and says, Indeed I am, although I would not use the word "weasely" to describe myself. Heroic might be a more descriptive adjective.

Heroic, huh? questions the guard skeptically. I see you're about to book passage on a ship. Where are you off to?

Why, I'm off for the sunny beaches of Gelda! says Fred. A hero like me deserves a little relaxing downtime now and again,

DOWNTIME! roars the Centurion. The last time anyone in my detachment had any downtime was twelve years ago, and in those twelve years we've fought 6 wars, assassinated 15 rival kings, slayed 8 dragons, thwarted 2 barbarian invasions, and defeated the plots of 3 evil necromancers. What have you done? Slayed one measley little dragon?

Fred fumes, but he's got bigger problems at hand. The Centurion now looks curiously around and says, Say, buddy, your suit of armour looks mighty clean and polished for having just fought a bloody battle to the death with a dragon. By the way, chum, where's the corpse? The head? The tail? Any evidence at all that you really killed the dragon?

Fred gulps and gives some lame story about a wizard named Belboz who cast a spell and destroyed the dragon from a remote location....

The Centurion sneers, A likely story. I know Belboz. He's the biggest flim-flam man in the realm. You killed no dragon! Sir Fred, are a liar and a fraud of the First Degree!

Boys! yells the Centurion back to his detachment. We've got a scofflaw here who is trying to skip out on his duty to the King. Arrest him!

The Centurion's detachment moves swiftly. They easily disarm Fred and slap him into chains.

Back to the Court, commands the Centurion. It's the King's Justice for you, Sir Fred the Fraud.

  1. Fred faces the King and goes on trial for fraud
  2. Fred attempts to escape through guile
  3. Fred offers the Centurion a bribe
  4. Fred attempts to escape through brute force

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