
The Never Ending Quest - Episode 41753

The tunnel leads to a one-way mirror overlooking the harem of the dragon. The human harem, as the dragon could change shape at night.
It was a long, rectangular room. Sunken down it's length, the bottom level about half as long as the room itself. Pillows and sofas covered near every step. Though there was a mix, each level's cushions was a certain color that blended well with the next.
Fred watches as a lone woman, sixty if she was a day, scrubs a rare spot of bare floor with a filthy mop.

  1. Continue on.
  2. Fred develops romantic feelings for this woman.
  3. The maid explodes.
  4. One of the doors bursts open and in comes several more maids.
  5. Fred bangs on the window in order to attract the maid's attention.
  6. The window falls out by itself.
  7. The maid comes up to the window/mirror and starts picking her black, cavity ridden teeth. One falls out.
  8. Fred continues on and discovers the harem ladies. They are practicing martial arts.

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