Taka goes to Hell

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 41741

Taka says " Heh Can't say I am ashamed for my sins, I suspect I would find Heaven a bore anyways, So let's see what Hell has to offer." as simply as that Takas he does he finds himself in a large chamber it's floor is covered flowing Lava from which lick his boots and start to work up his calves. And he finds himself before a Demon seated behind a desk. The demon looks up from a hugh black text. "ah Taka finally you come to us. Too bad you sent us plenty of souls in your short life." Sweeting from the heat of the knee high flames and a bit about his situation. "Soo. now what ?" the flames are licking about his hips "We see how high the flames go to determine how low you go." "What kind of fire is this it hurts burns but no blistering charring.." the flames moving up his chest to his neck. "Tis hellfire nature, ah" as the flames engulf Taka's head " What I thought your going straight to the bottom, Oh the worst fate for a soul." a flaming portal appears " please step through Taka and meet your fate." Taka looks at the portal which emits a greater heat then the room. Taka decides to...

  1. falls to his knees and begs for mercy
  2. repents his sins
  3. accepts his well deserved fate and enters the portal
  4. bolts for the gate
  5. attacks the Demon
  6. sits down and pouts
  7. offers the demon a bribe
  8. offers his skill to the Demon to avoid his fate
  9. argues with the Demon

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