Pronklezilch Appears

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 4139

The ear-ring was one of a pair that Dr Vincent had given Astra. "They might come in handy some time," he had said. "They were given me by a wizard friend of mine called Pronklezilch. If you twist one, it summons him to your aid. Since I'm not much given to wearing ear-rings myself, and since you are far more likely to encounter danger than I am, as I rarely leave my tower, you'd better have them."

The wizard duly appeared when Fred twisted the ring. He looked the part, having a long white beard and wearing a tall conical hat on his head. He carried a staff, which glowed sufficiently that he could make out Fred and Astra trapped in the web. "Who are you?" he asked them. "And where's Vincent? I detected a summons from the ear-rings I gave him." Astra briefly explained who she and Fred were and how she had come by the rings.

The wizard replied:

  1. "Well, then, let me magic you out of that web."
  2. "Vincent had no right to give you them. I'm not at just anyone's beck and call."

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JH (Re the last 2 episodes: if you are going to introduce a magical artifact out of the blue, please maintain continuity by explaining where it comes from)

9/8/1999 2:01:12 PM

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