Black Magic - Dragon Magic

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 4015

Fred stared at the sprawled form of Astra. His mind could not grasp what his eyes were showing him. Was some magic burning her alive? Her skin was now like charcoal. What was happening to her? And who was the author of her pain? Were they under attack? Was it some mage or warlock, hidden in the hills? Or was it a dragon, taking its revenge on them for the death of Minestus?

Fred's eyes searched the terrain that surrounded them. From high to low he gazed across the line of rocky slopes and shadowed crevices. But he saw nothing; nothing that is until his eyes fell upon Rift. The barrister was standing perfectly still, his face haggard and bloodless. And in his trembling hand was the dragon's magical gem, the Crystallic.

Fred jerked toward Rift, his hands clenching in fury. "You fool!" he hissed. "What have you done?!!?" But before Fred could take two more steps, Tarin moved to bar his way. The dwarf waited, silently standing between Fred and Rift, his axe at the ready. Fred took a deep breath and stilled himself. "You're playing with fire, Rift," he said with a cold calmness. "That thing you hold came from the den of a dragon. Get rid of it, or it will be your death." Then Fred turned around and went to Astra. He gently lifted her up from the ground, her limp body giving no resistance. He gave her what aid he could, but he was trained to minister battle wounds, bleeding cuts and mangled limbs. Astra's condition was more than a little out of his league.

But Astra quickly regained her strength and her strange metamorphosis seemed to have done nothing more to her than change her outward appearance, the color of her hair and skin. Fred had never seen anything like this, or anyone with such dark black flesh. It reminded him of bedtime stories about evil spirits of the night. It made him shudder. He looked back at Rift; the barrister still stood where he had left him. Now Fred strode back to the man.

"Change her back," Fred demanded.

  1. Rift slowly met Fred's gaze, glanced back down at the crystal in his hand and then turned and walked away.

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