City Madness

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 39118

"YARGHABLARGLE!" Fred said, seeing the bowl of clotted blood with ... things floating in it. Fred left the ale house and found himself in an unfamiliar city. It was a seaport town, dusted with a light covering of snow.

  1. Fred finds a library. Luck is with him. There is a 'local' section. He researches his new home.
  2. Fred journeys to the docks. Should build up money first. Shoremen always needed a strong back; they paid well.
  3. Fred stops a mugging. It is a thin man against a disabled woman. Nobody is hurt.
  4. Fred is cursed out by a small chicken. That chicken has a mouth on her.
  5. Fred hears some amazing music.
  6. Several pieces of paper are thrown off a nearby building.

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