A Barrel Of Laughs, But Not For Fred

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 38558

Fred ran from the blacksmith so fast he phased back into the past tense. Down the street he charged, dodging the various cattle, stalls and lepers that plagued the way. But the blacksmith was fitter than he looked, and matched Fred step for step.

Fred darted left, into a dim alleyway that connected one street to another. He spied his chance - a tall rain barrel, just large enough to hide a fully grown vandal. Fred clambered into the barrel and dipped his head below the rim just as the blacksmith came pelting down the alley. The smith did not stop as he flew past Fred and into the bustling street opposite. Turning left, then right, the smith elected to go right, and ploughed through a crowd of bards who tutted disapprovingly. His angry footsteps disappeared into the distance.

'Phew!' thought Fred. Finally, he was having a bit of luck. Fred moved to reach up and climb out, but realised the barrel was smaller than it had looked. His arms were trapped at his sides, and he was pinned in an awkward crouching position making it impossible for him to stand up. He was stuck. Then a roll of thunder echoed around the alley, and it started to rain. "Wonderful." muttered Fred.

Suddenly the gravity of the situation hit Fred. As the barrel began to slowly fill with rainwater, he realised that his head was beneath the rim of the barrel. If this rain continued, the water level would soon rise above his mouth and nostrils. Time was short!

  1. Through sheer effort, Fred managed to rock the barrel enough so it fell on its side. He was still stuck, however.
  2. Fred called for help, and the bards heard him.
  3. Fred called for help, and the blacksmith heard him.
  4. Fred drowned in the barrel, and was found a week later.

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