
The Never Ending Quest - Episode 38533

Velus dashed out of the caves, into the night, not looking back for an instant. Fred, the black ooze had done something to Fred. He ran in the direction of the wind, and caught a whiff of Fred's scent on it. Fred was chasing him.

The sun rose. Velus did not stop running, even though Fred's scent began to fade. He had always been known to jump at his own shadow, and being carried off by a dragon and deposited in a damp cave as a shaggy mutt did not help. That was about a week ago, and he had felt small, cold, and lost. Fred's arrival lifted his spirits, this chivalrous noble would protect him. Now, he fled for dear life from that very same noble. He wished he was home, and human again. Part of his wish came true, when on the horizon he saw a village. His village. His home.

  1. Soon, Velus' family finds a strange brown mutt yipping at their door . . .
  2. Elsewhere, Gracht Tuebklle still hunts

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